Walking the Two Rivers – Nina Dante, 2020

A dream of mycelium…

I dreamed that I was in a big stretch of forest, with massive trees spaced very far apart… I felt much smaller than I know I am. Looking down, I saw a shimmering and pulsing in the earth. I knelt down and brushed away the dirt, uncovering the great, pulsing heart of a mycelial network. The hyphae were as thick around as walking sticks, and glowed like moonlight. I gathered the mycelial heart up in my arms and held it to me. I looked around me and saw many many pulsings under the earth…

I have been reading the incredible “Entangled Life” by Merlin Sheldrake…

Song for mother-of-evening / hesperis matronalis – Nina Dante, 2020

The red-spotted garter snake – Nina Dante, 2020My sister and I saw this creature slithering down a bank, over and under tree roots, between rocks, to the Salmon River. This gorgeous, secretive subspecies lives only here in this area of the world (Wi…

The red-spotted garter snake – Nina Dante, 2020

My sister and I saw this creature slithering down a bank, over and under tree roots, between rocks, to the Salmon River. This gorgeous, secretive subspecies lives only here in this area of the world (Willamette Valley, the Pacific Northwest). Bright flame of a head, a ribbon of pale yellow down the length of the spine, the beauteous blackness of its body decorated with red-orange brush-strokes…

I recently heard a beautiful interview with sound artist and radio producer Daniel Browning…