The tree is the temple

A work of earth-worship for solo vocalist playing violin, wooden flute, and percussion – written and performed by Nina Dante

About the project

The tree is the temple is an approximately 45 minute set of 10 short pieces based on places in the natural world where I have had mystical experiences, and felt subsumed by the spiritual magic of the place itself. These experiences feel devastatingly appropriate me, and spark cultural memories of a time when the intrinsic interconnectedness of humanity and nature was sacred. I believe that the loss of this earth-worshipping instinct is one of the root causes of the current dire state of our planet, and it is my hope that this piece acts as artistic medicine as we struggle to repair our balance with the earth.

In Quechua there is a word that embodies an ancient Andean concept. The word is huaca and it refers to a place or object that is inherently sacred and revered. Huacas can be used to orient yourself both in space (there are routes marked by huacas) and spiritually.

I’ve been captivated by a word in ancient Greek for years. The word is éntheos, and it means to be possessed by, to be subsumed by, to become one with a god. From this word we get modern words including “enthusiasm”, which describes a divine frenzy.

Both of these concepts have been central during my process of creating The tree is the temple, as I compose a personal musical map of the world marked by mystical experiences in the natural world. Instinctually, this work resembles the ecstatic sacred chants of Hildegard von Bingen; aesthetically it occupies the realm of vocal and musical experimentation.

Documentation of Selected represented sites

The earth-shatteringly mystical and gargantuan stalactite in the Poll an Eidhneain cave, Ireland

The earth-shatteringly mystical and gargantuan stalactite in the Poll an Eidhneain cave, Ireland

The lush and frozen landscape of the arctic circle, Finland

The lush and frozen landscape of the arctic circle, Finland

The heart-stoppingly lush canopy of the rain forest with trees larger than the mind can conceive, Costa rica

The heart-stoppingly lush canopy of the rain forest with trees larger than the mind can conceive, Costa rica

The primordial wetlands, Florida

The primordial wetlands, Florida

Massive craggy boulders in the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina

Massive craggy boulders in the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina

The intensely mysterious and seductive cypress swamps of the pine barrens, New Jersey

The intensely mysterious and seductive cypress swamps of the pine barrens, New Jersey

An island populated by seals, Norway

An island populated by seals, Norway

The rustic landscape and wild oceans of Corsica

The rustic landscape and wild oceans of Corsica