Cassandra Fragments – Stratis Minakakis
basalto – Juan Campoverde
Dante+Chin Duo
Dalia Chin (flute) and Nina Dante (soprano) are dedicated to performing works that explore the limits of their instruments, as well as the deep emotional catharsis that music can offer. Since 2012, Chin and Dante have collaborated to present avant garde new works by explorative composers from all over the world. They are both founding members of the contemporary music ensemble Fonema Consort.
Chin and Dante have performed together in residencies and concerts at New England Conservatory, Harvard University, Oberlin Conservatory, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, Scripps College, the Frequency Series, and UNAM (Mexico City). Performances abroad have included appearances with Visiones Sonoras (Morelia, MX), International Festival of Chihuahua, the Universidad de Costa Rica, El Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo, and Teatro Sucre (Quito, Ecuador).
Over the past six years, they have collaborated on works by composers including visionaries Julio Estrada and James Dillon; as well as over 40 rising-star composers. They can be heard on the albums Pasos en otra calle (New Focus Recordings), FIFTH TABLEAU (Parlour Tapes+), and Three Burials (New Focus Recordings).
Photo by Marc Perlish
Yuunohui’ehecatl – Julio Estrada
Three Burials: No. 3 – Pablo Chin
Dalia Chin, flute
Chicago-based Costa Rican flutist Dalia Chin is a founding member of Fonema Consort and the Chicago Composers Orchestra, both of which are dedicated to performing music by living composers. She has been in residence and given performances at institutions including New England Conservatory, the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Oberlin Conversarory, Harvard University, the Universidad de Costa Rica, Scripps College, UNAM (Mexico City), the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, the 113 Composers Collective and North Central College. She has performed in festival and at venues including Visiones Sonoras (Morela), the Florida Flute Convention, Festival Interfaz (Monterrey), Omaha Under the Radar, the Ear Taxi Festival, the Festival Internacional de Chihuahua, the Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo ( Mexico City), the Teatro Sucre (Quito), the City of Chicago’s Pritzker Pavilion, and National Sawdust.
She has performed Pablo Chin’s flute concerto Inside the Shell with the Chicago Composers Orchestra, the Costa Rica Orquesta Sinfónica de Heredia, and the University of Wisconsin Whitewater Orchestra. She is the featured soloist on the recently released album Three Burials (New Focus Recordings) which compiles the flute works of composer Pablo Chin. She can also be heard on Fonema Consort’s albums Pasos en otra calle (New Focus Recordings) and FIFTH TABLEAU (Parlour Tapes+).
Dalia works in close collaboration with composers as a soloist, with Fonema Consort and with the Chicago Composer’s Orchestra. Recent commissions and premieres include works by Stratis Minakakis, Pablo Chin, Fernanda Aoki Navarro, Francisco Castillo Trigueros, Bethany Younge, Julio Estrada, Monte Weber, and Tiffany Skidmore.
Dalia earned Post-Masters degree from DePaul University, her Masters in Music Performance at Florida State University, and her Bachelors Degree in Music Performance at the University of Costa Rica. Dalia is currently the program director for the Chicago Metamorphosis Orchestra Program, Director for the New Horizons Flute Choir at the Depaul Community Division. She has a private, Suzuki-certified studio in Chicago.
Photo by Michael Duffy
Como la leyenda de Tlön – Pablo Chin
Aggeloi III – Stratis Minakakis
Nina Dante, voice
Soprano vocalist Nina Dante is a soloist, chamber musician, improviser and composer based in New York City. Musical experimentation and the continual discovery of the voice’s technical ability and emotive power are the inspiring forces behind her work.
Hailed for her “amazing performance of vocal versatility by a uniquely gifted young artist” (Chicago Classical Review), Dante has performed at Resonant Bodies Festival, BAM, Lampo, Issue Project Room, Roulette, the Kitchen, National Sawdust, the University of Chicago’s Contempo, Performa, Indexical, Visiones Sonoras, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo, the Experimental Sound Studio, New Music Miami, the Latino Music Festival, the Frequency Festival, Festival Interfaz, the Poetry Foundation, and the Renaissance Society, among others.
Dante is co-founder, manager and soprano of the avant garde chamber ensemble Fonema Consort. Her recordings with Fonema can be found on New Focus Recordings (Pasos en otra calle) and Parlour Tapes+ (FIFTH TABLEAU).
With Fonema and as a soloist, Dante has given been in residence and given performances at Oberlin Conservatory, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, Scripps College, UNAM, the 113 Composers Collective, and New England Conservatory, among others.
Dante’s recent compositions have been featured on the Resonant Bodies Festival, Indexical, the Center for New Music, the 113 Twin Cities New Music Festival and the Essential Indexical recent release Early MMXVIII.
2018-2019 Repertoire
basalto – Juan Campoverde
*Guitarra muda II – Pablo Chin
*With her waist wreathed in shadow – Nina Dante
Three songs for the other side – Nina Dante
*Cassandra Fragments – Stratis Minakakis
lonesingness – Zesses Seglias
Her disappearance – Bethany Younge
*2019 Commission
Photo by Marc Perlish